


Removing classes from Ports and Adapters

by Harry

Fri Oct 05 2018

Hi, I'm Harry, Bob's coauthor for this series on architecture. Now I don't pretend to be an architect*, but I do know a bit about Python. You know the apocryphal tale about [bikeshedding] ( Everyone wants to be able to express an opinion, even if it's only about the colour of the bikesheds? Well this will be me essentially doing that about Bob's code. Not questioning the architecture. Just the cosmetics. But, readability counts, so here we go!

"Stop Writing Classes" Despite the fact that Bob swears blind that he was a functional programmer for years, I think Bob does occasionally let the OO-heavy habits of the C# world take over, and he sees classes everywhere, including plenty of places where they don't really help. OK OK, arguably don't help.

Like the man said, Stop Writing Classes, or escape from the Kingdom of Nouns! [], or perhaps simply:

It is not enough to simply stop writing Java. You must also stop yourself from writing Java using Another Language.

Let's see if we can't replace a few classes with some more Pythonic patterns, and see if it makes some of those architectural patterns easier to read, implement and understand.

Command handlers as functions If a class only has one method other than its constructor, it should probably be a function


look for classes with names like "Handler", "Maker", "Builder", "Factory", and you'll probably find some good candidates for converting to functions

If you're implementing the Command Handler pattern, you're going to need to represent commands and handlers.

For commands I can't really fault Bob's use of namedtuples, as imported from the typing module:

class ReportIssueCommand(NamedTuple): issue_id: UUID reporter_name: str reporter_email: str problem_description: str

Unless you're actually using mypy, those types aren't adding much value however. The alternative would be the more "classic" namedtuple syntax:

ReportIssueCommand = namedtuple("ReportIssueCommand", ["issue_id", "reporter_name", "reporter_email", "problem_description"])
# or the shorter syntax if it doesn't make you nervous:
ReportIssueCommand = namedtuple("ReportIssueCommand", "issue_id reporter_name reporter_email problem_description")
# come on, have you seen the implementation? nameduples are magic anyway.  get with it!

This wasn't available at the time of writing, but Python 3.7 dataclasses [] might be worth a look too. You'd probably want to use frozen=True to replicate the immutabilty of namedtuples...

But for handlers, use of a class is definitely more up for debate:

class ReportIssueHandler(Handles[messages.ReportIssueCommand]): def __init__(self, uowm: UnitOfWorkManager): self.uowm = uowm def handle(self, cmd): reporter = IssueReporter(cmd.reporter_name, cmd.reporter_email) issue = Issue(cmd.issue_id, reporter, cmd.problem_description) with self.uowm.start() as uow: uow.issues.add(issue) uow.commit()

Using a class like this does buy you a nice separation of the dependencies to be injected (in the constructor) and the actual command that the handler will be applied to.

But the word "handler" definitely feels like a case of nouning a verb. So, consider:

def report_issue(start_uow, cmd): reporter = IssueReporter(cmd.reporter_name, cmd.reporter_email) issue = Issue(cmd.issue_id, reporter, cmd.problem_description) with start_uow() as uow: uow.issues.add(issue) uow.commit()

tying commands to handlers You need some way of connecting commands with their handlers. The most boring way of doing that is in some sort of bootstrap/config code (as in this example) but you might want also want to do so "inline" in your handler definition.

Bob's way, where the handler class inherits from Handles[message.ReportIssueCommand] definitely deserves some points for being easily readable, but you really don't want to get into the sausage-factory of the actual implementation, involving, as it does, the controversial typing module.

You might be more comfortable with a decorator instead:

@handles(messages.ReportIssueCommand) def report_issue(start_uow, cmd): ...

But it might get confusing if you also want to use decorators for dependency injection:

@inject('start_uow') def report_issue(start_uow, cmd): ...

managing units of work without a UnitOfWorkManager The Unit of Work pattern is one of the more straightforward ones; it's easy to understand why you might want to manage blocks of code that need to be executed "together" and atomically.

In a simple project that might just mean wrapping everything in a single database transaction, but you might also want to manage some other types of permanent storage (filesystem, cloud storage...).

If you're using domain events [], you might also want to apply the unit-of-work concept to them as well: for a given block of code, perhaps a command handler, either raise all the events in the happy case, or raise none at all (analogous to a rollback) if an error occurs at any point. This gives you the option to replay the command handler later without worrying about duplicate events.

In that case your unit of work manager needs to grow some logic for tracking a stack of events raised by a block of code, as suggested in the domain events post [].

a unit of work should probably be a context manager Either way, Bob nailed it, a Python context manager is the right pattern here. Here's the outline of his class-based one:

class SqlAlchemyUnitOfWork(UnitOfWork): def __init__(self, session_factory, bus): ... def __enter__(self): self.session = self.session_factory() = [] return self def __exit__(self): self.session.close() self.publish_events() def commit(self): ... def publish_events(self, session, ctx): ...

It's great! but does the rest of the implementation really need to involve three different classes?

class SqlAlchemy: def __init__(self, uri): self.engine = create_engine(uri) self._session_maker = scoped_session(sessionmaker(self.engine),) @property def unit_of_work_manager(self): return SqlAlchemyUnitOfWorkManager(self._session_maker, self.bus) class SqlAlchemyUnitOfWorkManager(UnitOfWorkManager): def __init__(self, session_factory: SessionFactory, bus: MessageBus): self.session_factory = session_factory self.bus = bus def start(self): return SqlAlchemyUnitOfWork(self.session_factory, self.bus)

Each class does have a purpose of course:

But can we make things a little simpler? SqlAlchemy (the library) already knows how manage sessions for us. Perhaps we could just have one model for the database, and another for the units of work?

from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker class SqlAlchemy: def __init__(self, uri, bus): self.engine = create_engine(uri) self.session_factory = sessionmaker(self.engine) self.bus = bus def start_unit_of_work(self): return SqlAlchemyUnitOfWork(self.session_factory, self.bus)

could you use an @contextmanager? We're down to just two classes. Next you might ask whether you really need a class for your unit of work context manager. If your client code doesn't need to call a commit method explicitly, then you might be able to get away with a single method, using contextlib.contextmanager and the yield keyword:

from contextlib import contextmanager class SqlAlchemy: ... @contextmanager def start_unit_of_work(self): session = self.session_factory() events = [] try: yield session self.publish_events(session) session.commit() except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() def publish_events(self, session): flushed_objects = [e for e in] + [e for e in session.dirty] for o in flushed_objects: for e in self.bus.handle(e)

the singleton pattern in Python We still have one final class, SqlAlchemy, which exists to

It's essentially a singleton, in that our application is only ever meant to have one instance of it. There are lots of ways to implement the singleton pattern in Python []

In this case our implementation is the ultra-simple "by convention there is only one instance of this class", which is has a lot going for it in terms of ways to implement the singleton pattern, compared to all the complicated code-based solutions linked above. If you do want a code-based solution, or if you want to continue experimenting with non-class-based solutions to these problems, why not use the "just use a module" solution - modules are essentially already singletons, in Python:

# adapters/

BUS = None

# to be called in our bootstrap/config script
def setup(uri, bus):
  BUS = bus
  SESSION_MAKER = sessionmaker(create_engine(uri))

def start_unit_of_work():
    session = SESSION_MAKER()
    events = []
        yield session
    except Exception as e:

def _publish_events(session):
    flushed_objects = [e for e in] + [e for e in session.dirty]
    for o in flushed_objects:
        for e in

We may be drifting a little too far into "removing classes for its own sake" territory here. But hopefully you now have a few more options to use for inspiration in your own code.

*NARRATORS VOICE: Harry pretends to be an architect all the time